Revolutionary application of brucite powder environmentally friendly flame retardant in plastic and rubber industry
In today's market environment with increasingly stringent environmental and safety requirements, brucite powder, as a new environmentally friendly inorganic flame retardant, is rapidly becoming the new favorite in the plastics, rubber and coatings industries.
Efficient heat absorption performance: Brucite powder can effectively absorb heat when heated, reduce the surface temperature of the material, and effectively delay the combustion process.
Oxygen dilution effect: The water vapor produced by the decomposition of brucite can reduce the oxygen concentration in the combustion area and slow down the burning speed of the material.
Formation of heat insulation layer: Magnesium oxide (MgO) generated after the decomposition of brucite can form a heat insulation layer on the surface of the material, preventing the transfer of heat and oxygen and enhancing the flame retardant effect.
Smoke suppression function: Brucite powder can significantly reduce smoke generation during combustion and reduce toxic gas emissions.
Particle size and surface modification: Ultra-fine grinding and surface modification technology improve the dispersion and compatibility of brucite powder in polymer materials and enhance flame retardant properties.
Composite flame retardant system: Brucite powder is compounded with other flame retardants such as polyphosphoric acid and dodecamine to form a composite flame retardant system to further enhance the flame retardant effect.
Improve mechanical properties: After being mixed with modified mica powder and used to mix plastics, brucite powder can significantly improve the flame retardant and mechanical properties of composite materials.
Environmental performance: As a synergistic flame retardant, brucite powder shows obvious advantages in improving the flame retardancy, smoke suppression and environmental protection of the material.
Broad application prospects: The environmental protection and high-efficiency properties of brucite powder indicate its broad application prospects in the plastics, rubber and coatings industries.
The environmentally friendly flame retardant properties of brucite powder not only meet the market's demand for safety and environmental protection, but also bring innovative solutions to the plastics, rubber and coatings industries. Through the detailed introduction in this article, we can see that brucite powder, as an efficient synergistic flame retardant, has great potential in improving product performance and safety.